
GreyCat Modules

  • Greycat code is organized by modules which are basically files with the .gcl extension
  • The main module of any greycat project should be named project.gcl (At the top level directory of the project)
  • A module can contain several global variables, functions, enums and type definitions
  • For example here is a bank.gcl module:
// Global module variables
var countries_by_name: nodeIndex<String, node<Country>>; //Global index to index all countries

// Global module functions
fn printStats() {
    // Some global module function called printStats

//Several Enum and Type definitions
enum TransactionType {
type Country {
    name: String;
    banks: nodeIndex<String, node<Bank>>;
type Bank {
    name: String;
    location: geo;

Greycat naming convention

Item Convention Example
Modules snake_case smart_city.gcl
Types / Class / Enum UpperCamelCase enum TransactionChannel
Primitive types camelCase nodeTime, nodeIndex, int
Functions camelCase / snake_case * fn getCities()
Variables / Attributes camelCase / snake_case * var cities_by_name: nodeIndex;
  • For functions and attributes we leave the freedom of camelCase/snake_case according to readability
  • Usually index names are more readable in snake_case: city_by_location, city_by_name
  • Simple attributes or variable names are usually in camelCase: firstName, primaryContract

Greycat project structure

  • By convention, we organize greycat modules in the following directory structure:
  • At the top level there is the project.gcl file and server folder.
  • /server folder represents the backend
  • /server/src contains the backend source code:
    • /server/src/model : core data model for the domain
    • /server/src/api : application programming interface (for frontend - backend communication)
    • /server/src/edi : electronic data interface (for data importer/exporter)
  • /server/test contains the backend testing code